Published November 9, 2020 by Ichor Blood Services

Do you have an international trip coming up that you can't cancel and need to go on? Here's how our simple and easy COVID-19 PCR swab test can help you get to your destination and avoid a lengthy lockdown once you get there.

International travel is arguably the industry that has been most affected due to COVID-19. As countries rushed to close their borders at the beginning of the pandemic, stringent measures were put in place to try and limit the spread of the virus. With borders gradually opening up again, strict protocols have been placed on travellers who wish to enter most countries.

One of these protocols centres around so-called 'negative COVID-19 certificates,' which travellers can use to forego lengthy isolation after arriving at their country of choosing. These certificates are usually only good for 72 hours after the test was completed, which leaves a very narrow window for travellers and testing companies alike. But when done well, negative COVID-19 certificates can be the difference between a trip that goes smoothly and one that gets grounded indefinitely. 


Ichor Has You Covered

If you're looking for COVID-19 testing in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Medicine Hat, Fredericton, or Niagara Falls, Ichor Blood Services has you covered. For more information on our COVID-19 testing services, click the button below. 


How Simple COVID-19 PCR Swab Testing Can Help Your Trip Go Smoothly

Despite the current pandemic, there are certain situations where international travel is both unavoidable and necessary. The death of a loved one and vital business trips being chief among these reasons. In any case, having to self-isolate for two weeks upon arriving at your destination could completely derail the entire trip.

That's why certain countries have begun implementing measures that would see travellers avoid this disruptive protocol by presenting a certificate which states they recently tested negative for COVID-19. By presenting such a certificate, you can avoid having to pay for a COVID-19 test once you arrive in a different country, or hopefully undergo a much shorter isolation period (usually about two days or 48 hours).

How Does COVID-19 PCR Travel Swab Testing Work?

The test itself is very standard, and it's what most of us now associate with testing for active cases of COVID-19. A nose or throat sample is taken using a swab and is then analyzed using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method. Where things differ in comparison to our standard COVID-19 testing is undoubtedly in the targeted turnaround time for results. While we always aim to have your results available to you within 48-72 hours of your test, our dedicated travel team helps expedite the results for our travel clients, so they can meet the tight testing windows required by the country they're travelling to. 


Putting You Back In Control of Your Travel Plans

COVID-19 has taken many things from us over the past eight months, with international travel being one of the biggest things we've had to put on hold or forego. Whether your trip is essential or purely for pleasure, negative COVID-19 certificates are helping travellers avoid additional costs and lengthy delays upon arriving at their destination country. 

Given the extremely tight windows these tests need to fit within, you want to rest assured that there's a dedicated team overseeing and expediting your results. With Ichor Blood Services, you have that assurance. 


Contact Us

If you need COVID-19 travel testing in Alberta, Ontario, or New Brunswick, Ichor Blood Services has you covered. For more information about the COVID-19 tests we offer, please give us a call at 1-844-424-6728 or fill out our contact form


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