Ichor Launches Vitamin D-cember
It is estimated that close to 100% of Canadians are Vitamin D deficient during the winter months when the UV index is too low to provide any benefit, with over 40% of the population severely deficient year-round.
Ichor Blood Services is now providing test collection services for Vitamin D2 and D3 testing.
Book now to get tested for your vitamin D levels at any Ichor office, including Calgary, Edmonton, Fort McMurray, Red Deer, Medicine Hat, Vaughan, and Toronto. Keep your immune system healthy by checking your vitamin D levels, especially in winter, when vitamin D is at an all-time low.
Who Should Get Tested?
- Anyone concerned about their wellbeing, health, and vitamin D levels
- Those that suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Anyone who receives treatment or therapy for osteoporosis
- Elderly people, particularly those who aren’t exposed to much sunlight
- People with a diagnosis or signs of hypocalcemia or hypercalcemia
- Anyone suffering from rickets and osteomalacia
- Patients receiving vitamin D therapy who don’t show signs of improvement
- Children who frequently get sick
High exposure to germs can mean children are more likely to get sick. Having sufficient vitamin D levels fosters a stronger immune system overall and can help your child fight off illness, which is especially vital with the fluctuating infection rates of COVID-19. Ichor Blood Services offers families a way to safely check their vitamin D levels, so they can be proactive about their health.
There is no risk associated with getting your vitamin D tested, other than the potential for mild bruising where the needle enters. The Mayo Clinic is a highly reputable health clinic and you’ll be given accurate results from their highly respected lab.
Book your family in for testing at any of our Ichor locations across Alberta, Ontario, and New Brunswick. Post collection, test results will be emailed back via a secure PDF file in as few as 7-10 days.
What is Vitamin D and Why Is It Important?
Benefits of adequate Vitamin D levels include the following, but are not limited to:
- Reduced risk of viral infections
- Reduction in depression and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
- Increased absorption of calcium and other key minerals
- Bone and teeth health
- Muscle and nervous system health
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding support
- Improved in-Vitro, infant, and child development
- Decreased risk of Type 2 Diabetes
Some research suggests that adequate vitamin D may have benefits, such as lowering the risk of breast and colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease in men, and multiple sclerosis. Vitamin D is mostly acquired through diet, supplements, and absorbed through the skin. Knowing your vitamin D levels can help you adjust your intake of this important vitamin, and increase your protection against illness, thus lowering your chances of suffering from disease and strengthening your immune system.
Want to find out where you stand when it comes to your vitamin D levels? Book your quick 10-minute test collection appointment and get real results within 7-10 days:
What Does A Vitamin D Deficiency Cause?
Because of our geographical location, Canadians are at a higher risk of SAD, and more than 1.1 million Canadians are Vitamin D deficient in general. As winter approaches here in Canada, we not only experience fewer daylight hours, we also tend to go outside less due to the cold. This means minimal exposure to the sun and less vitamin D intake. This lack of sunlight and subsequent vitamin D often triggers Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is a type of depression that flares up in the fall months and persists throughout the winter. SAD can lead to fatigue, a lack of energy, a change in appetite, weight fluctuation, and persistent feelings of hopelessness or sadness.
Vitamin D deficiency can also contribute to a weakened immune system, meaning that those individuals are more susceptible to colds, flu, and viruses. With COVID-19, a weakening of the immune system can mean contracting and spreading a far more dangerous virus than usual. People with a weakened immune system are not only more likely to get different illnesses, but they are also more likely to suffer worse effects from them. Keeping a healthy Vitamin D level is one way to help protect yourself this winter.
Book With Ichor Blood Services For Reliable Assessment of Vitamin D Levels
Don’t let a Vitamin D deficiency compromise the health of you or your family. Fight SAD, prevent disease, and keep your immune system steady especially during the colder months by ensuring you have the recommended levels of vitamin D. Take preventative measures and visit Ichor Blood Services to gauge your Vitamin D levels. Learn more about your own health so you can protect yourself and your loved ones.
Sample Test Result
Vitamin D levels in the blood are measured in nanomoles per litre (nmol/L) using what’s called the 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood test (25 (OH)D). In Canada, doctor lab tests consider the normal range to be between 75 to 150 nmol/L or higher in some provinces. The specimen is then processed by the renowned Mayo Clinic and your results will be password protected and emailed within 7-10 days. Appointments should only last about 10 minutes, and during this time our certified Medical Laboratory Assistant will confirm your identity, set up a safe and comfortable space for the collection, and answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Vitamin D Scores:
- <10 ng/ML (severe deficiency)*
- 10-19 ng/ML (mild to moderate deficiency)*
- 25-50 ng/ML (optimum levels)*
- 51-80 ng/ML (increased risk of hypercalciuria)*
- >80 ng/ML (toxicity possible)*
See a sample lab test result from the Mayo Clinic by clicking the button below or click the button to see if Ichor is in your city to book your test today.

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