Published October 29, 2020 by Ichor Blood Services

Have you been thinking about getting a cancer screening test to see if you're more at risk of developing a specific one? Here's how doing so could end up saving your life.

Due to the growing demand for our corporate or large bookings and travel testing for COVID-19 antibody or active PCR test collection, our Cancer Screening Services are on hold. 


Cancer remains one of the most devastating diseases known to mankind. For certain types of cancer, detecting them early enough could literally be the difference between life or death, as shown below in the early versus late diagnosis five-year survival rates:

  • Breast cancer: Early stage (98%) vs. late stage (27%)
  • Prostate cancer: Early stage (100%) vs. late stage (30%)
  • Colorectal cancer: Early stage (90%) vs. late stage (14%)

Given the wide margin seen in early diagnosis survival rates compared to late diagnoses, it's strikingly clear that being proactive and detecting cancer early on is crucial to increasing your odds of beating the disease.

Ichor Has You Covered

If you're looking for COVID-19 testing in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Medicine Hat, Fredericton, or Niagara Falls, Ichor Blood Services has you covered. For more information on our COVID-19 testing services, click the button below. 


How Simple Cancer Screening Tests Can Save Your Life

Blood-based biomarker testing can help determine your risk or likelihood of developing certain forms of cancer, the main ones being prostate, breast, or colorectal. This form of cancer screening can alert you to and identify any early indicators that may be present within your blood. If any early indicators are discovered, further testing or screening will then be ordered to determine your cancer status or risk. These cancer screening tests can also be used as a wake-up call for someone to implement serious lifestyle changes if their risk for certain cancers is found to be high. 

Let's look closer at the three main cancer screening tests our laboratory partner StageZero provides and how they work.


Using a simple liquid biopsy, the ColonSentry® colorectal cancer screening test is extremely less invasive than a standard colonoscopy, which is usually performed to assess or diagnose this form of cancer. As a result, patients are much more likely to undergo this form of testing for colorectal cancer. It is also a good tool for avoiding unnecessary colonoscopies. If the screening test shows an elevated score, studies have shown that people are twice as likely to then undergo a colonoscopy, which is extremely useful in discovering colorectal cancer at an early stage. 

Who's this test for? 

This test is for anyone who is 45 and older who has an average risk of developing colorectal cancer.


Prostate health index (phi)

Used to determine if elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels are a marker of cancer or simply benign conditions, this blood test helps reduce the need for unnecessary biopsies by providing the answer to that question. Three different PSA markers are utilized in this test, providing a more accurate and reliable screening result. This information is then used by a doctor who will make the decision as to whether a biopsy is required. 

Who's this test for?

Men who are 50 or older with an elevated PSA ranging from 4ng/ml to 10ng/ml are best suited for this cancer screening test.


Measuring two different biomarkers, the BreastSentry cancer screening test is used to identify those women who have a higher likelihood or greater risk of developing breast cancer. The biomarkers used in this test — proneurotensin (pro-NT) and proenkephalin (pro-ENK) — are very strong indicators and highly predictive at assessing the risk a woman has of developing breast cancer at some point in her life. If the test returns an elevated score, further testing and diagnosis by your primary health-care provider may result in catching the potential breast cancer at a very early stage in its development, greatly increasing your odds of survival.

Who's this test for?

Women who are 40 or older are ideal candidates for this cancer screening test.

Contact Us

While our lab collection services for cancer screening tests are currently on hold as we devote the entirety of our resources to helping with the battle against COVID-19, we do hope to provide this service at a later date. And if you're looking for COVID-19 testing in Calgary, Edmonton, Red Deer, Medicine Hat, Fredericton, or Niagara Falls, Ichor Blood Services has you covered. For more information about the COVID-19 tests we offer, please give us a call at 1-844-424-6728 or fill out our contact form


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