Red Deer Private Lab Services
We have unfortunately had to close our red deer office but we hope you will consider booking with us in Calgary.
At our Calgary office we offer:
- Cardiovascular health (Ceramides, D-dimer, Cholesterol)
- Hormone Testing (Testosterone, Estradiol, DHEA, FSH, AMH)
- Thyroid, Kidney, and Liver Testing
- General Health and Wellness (Vitamin D, Vitamin B-12, Prostate Specific Antigen, Heavy Metals)
- Early Cancer Detection
- And More!
Private Lab Services!
We would love to serve you at our Calgary office! All testing is private and confidential with tests results going directly back to you in 2-7 days.
COVID-19 Spike Protein and Nucleocapsid Testing
- COVSQ is designed to detect spike protein antibodies formed from natural infection, it does not detect spike proteins from vaccination.
- COVTA tests for the nucleocapsid, which is only present in the natural infection.
- By getting both tests you can find out if you have spike circulating, and what the source of it is!
Test Your Vitamin D Levels With Ichor!
Ichor Blood Services is now providing test collection services for Vitamin D2 and D3 testing, utilizing the renowned Mayo Clinic Laboratories for analysis. Ichor is the first of its kind to offer testing from this highly reputable health clinic for Canadians.
For Corporate or Large Group Bookings, Email or Call Ichor Directly
If you are a corporation or large group looking to facilitate testing for your group or organization, please email us directly with your inquiry!
Email Ichor for Corporate Bookings